Covid Safety

COVID Safe Experience

At Polar, safety is our top priority.

This experience is designed with the health and well being of you, your family, your friends, and all Canadians in mind. This experience is contact-free so everyone can enjoy the holidays safely.

Keeping Safe:

All guests, employees, and any other individuals on-site are to follow the direction and regulations of local, provincial, and federal authorities

When scanning tickets we will do our best to do this through your window. If the weather does not allow for this our staff will have extended distance scanning units to keep a safe distance. Please try to ensure your car windows are clean if weather permits

No payment of any kind is accepted at the event to allow for a completely contactless experience

All guests are required to remain in their vehicles at all times. This will be monitored and strictly enforced by our onsite support team

All staff undergo daily COVID screening assessments including temperature checks

All staff will be wearing a mask, using strict and ongoing sanitization measures, and will remain physically distanced at all times

The number of vehicles within the structure at any given time will be limited to less than 2% of the maximum building capacity

The event flow is designed to allow for extra space between vehicles. Please keep your distance, respect other guests, and do not tailgate the car in front of you

We strongly urge every guest to perform a COVID self-assessment prior to attending the event. Should anyone show symptoms we must insist that you do not attend. Further information regarding assessments is available at:

Please stay at home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Covid Safe Experience

We Ensure a safe
experience for all guests